Setting up the AirFanta 3Pro

A company that seems to be getting more and more attention every day within the air quality space is AirFanta. This company, started by Adam Wong, focuses on making highly performant yet relatively low-cost air purifiers (and some other products, such as the G2 air quality monitor). While Adam has been making these devices for a few years, they only really began to cross my radar earlier this year when I started to see glowing reviews of them online.

Currently, AirFanta makes a high-performance air purifier (the 3Pro), a portable, laminar flow device (the 4Lite) and a portable hand-fan-like air purifier (AirFanta Mini). These are all quite interesting devices, but the two that interest me the most are the 3Pro and 4Lite. Thankfully, Adam was kind enough to send me a 3Pro for review. While my full thoughts are coming soon, I wanted to discuss the build process and my initial impressions here briefly.

Despite being a relatively large device (although still much smaller than many air purifiers), the 3Pro comes in a quite compact box as all sides of the cube are stacked on top of one another. While this means you will need to assemble the purifier before using it, this process is very simple and takes only a few minutes.

To assemble the device, you will want to slot the filters (with the wire mesh facing outwards) into the bottom piece of plastic. There are already slots cut for the filters, so placing these in the right location is quite easy. However, when it comes to placing the top piece (with all of the fans) on top of the filters, it can be a bit finicky and, therefore, a long velcro strap is included so these can be tied together while you place the top panel on. This still took my wife and I a few attempts, but we got the device together after a couple of minutes.

This partial self-assembly process has a few benefits, as the purifier is also very quick and easy to disassemble. While this is far from a portable purifier, it is far more transportable than other devices. If you were concerned about hotel air quality, you could even take this in a large suitcase if you wanted!

I will be running some sound tests to see how loud the device is, but so far, it’s looking very promising based on reviews such as this one from HouseFresh:

More to come soon!